Friday, June 30, 2006

Prayers for 6/30

Today we ask the intercession of the First Marytrs of Rome, along with Sts.Vincent Yen and Theobald; and Bls. Raymond Lull and Philip Powell.

For persecuted Christians everywhere...

For single men...

For Baby James...

For Roger Thomas and his family...

For peace throughout the world, especially the Middle East...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hymn for 6/30

Creator of the World, to Thee

Creator of the world, to Thee
And endless rest of joy belongs;
And heavenly choirs are ever free
To sing on high their festal songs.

But we are fallen creatures here,
Where pain and sorrow daily come;
And how can we in exile drear
Sing out, as they, sweet songs of Home?

O Father, Who dost promise still
That they who mourn shall blessèd be,
Grant us to weep for deeds of ill
That banish us so long from Thee.

But weeping, grant us faith to rest
In hope upon Thy loving care;
Till Thou restore us, with the blest,
Their songs of praise in Heav’n to share.

To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
The God Whom Heav’n and earth adore,
From men and from the angel host
Be praise and glory evermore.

Prayers for the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul

The full entries on today's saints are found here and here.

For the Holy Father, and for his intentions...

For the entire Catholic Church, especially the Latin Rite...

For the peoples of Malta and Rome...

For the Cursillo movement...

For missionaries...

For writers...

For those who work in mass media...

For those who work in the foods industry...

For fisherman and all who work on the water...

For those who suffer from foot problems...

For podiatrists...

For the repose of the soul of Eric Ransom, and for his family and friends...

For the recovery of Truman Duncan, and for his family and friends...

For peace throughout the world, especially in the Middle East...

For those facing religious persecution...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul

The Eternal Gifts of Christ the King

The eternal gifts of Christ the King,
The Apostles’ glorious deeds, we sing;
And while due hymns of praise we pay,
Our thankful hearts cast grief away.

The Church in these her princes boasts,
These victor chiefs of warriors hosts;
The soldiers of the heavenly hall,
The lights that rose on earth for all.

’Twas thus the yearning faith of saints,
The unconquered hope that never faints,
The love of Christ that knows not shame,
The prince of this world overcame.

In these the Father’s glory shone;
In these the will of God the Son;
In these exults the Holy Ghost;
Through these rejoice the heavenly host.

Redeemer, hear us of Thy love,
That, with this glorious band above,
Hereafter, of Thine endless grace,
Thy servants also may have place.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Prayers for 6/28

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Pope Paul I, Irenaeus of Lyons, John Southworth, and Vincentia Gerosa.

For the Holy Father, and for his intentions...

For the Sisters of Charity of Lovere...

For Mark's mother, and for their family and friends...

For Mark's book, and for all who face difficulties in their careers...

For Dale Price and his family...

For peace throughout the world, especially in the Middle East...

For the repose of the soul of Melissa Robinson, and for her family and friends...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/28

O For That Tenderness of Heart

O for that tenderness of heart
Which bows before the Lord,
Acknowledging how just Thou art,
And trembling at Thy Word!

O for those humble, contrite tears,
Which from repentance flow;
That consciousness of guilt which fears
The long-suspended blow!

Wilt from the dreadful day remove,
Before the evil come;
My spirit hide with saints above,
My body in the tomb.

Savior, to me in pity give
The sensible distress;
The pledge Thou wilt, at last, receive
And bid me die in peace.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Prayers for 6/27

Today we ask the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help; together with Sts. Crescens, Cyril of Alexandria, Joanna (Eastern calendar), Joseph Hien, and Ladislas; as well as Bl. Madeleine Fontaine.

For the Redemptorists...

For thanksgiving in Karl's new job, and for Karl and his family...

For peace throughout the world...

For those facing religious persecution...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/27

Lord, Thy Children Guide and Keep

Lord, Thy children guide and keep,
As with feeble steps they press
On the pathway rough and steep
Through the weary wilderness.
Holy Jesus, day by day,
Lead us in the narrow way.

There are stony ways to tread;
Give the strength we sorely lack.
There are tangled paths to thread;
Light us, lest we miss the track.
Holy Jesus, day by day,
Lead us in the narrow way.

There are sandy wastes that lie
Cold and sunless, vast and drear,
Where the feeble faint and die;
Grant us grace to persevere.
Holy Jesus, day by day,
Lead us in the narrow way.

There are soft and flowery glades
Decked with golden fruited trees,
Sunny slopes and scented shades;
Keep us, Lord, from slothful ease.
Holy Jesus, day by day,
Lead us in the narrow way.

Upward still to purer heights!
Onward yet to scenes more blest,
Calmer regions, clearer lights,
Till we reach the promised rests
Holy Jesus, day by day,
Lead us in the narrow way.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Prayers for 6/26

Today we ask the intercessions of Sts. Anthelm, John, Josemaria Escriva, Paul, Pelagius, and Vigilius of Trent; along with Bls. Andrea Giacinto Longhin and Jane Gerard.

For the Opus Dei movement...

For abandoned and homeless children...

For the repose of the souls of the victims in Denver, for those wounded, and for their families and friends...

For those affected by the heavy rains on the East Coast...

For the intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/26

O God, Thou Hast Rejected Us

O God, Thou hast rejected us,
And hast afflicted sore;
Thou hast been angry, but in grace
O once again restore.

Lo, Thou hast torn and rent our land,
Thy judgments dread appall;
O heal her shattered strength before
She totter to her fall.

Through ways of trial and distress
Thy people Thou hast led,
A bitter cup Thou givest us
Of misery and dread.

A glorious banner Thou has giv’n
To those who fear Thy Name,
A banner to display abroad,
And thus the truth proclaim.

That Thy belovèd may be saved
And from their foes set free,
Help with the might of Thy right hand,
In mercy answer me.

God in His holiness has said:
I will triumphant be,
All heathen lands I claim as Mine,
And they shall bow to Me.

Now, therefore, who will lead us on
Sin’s strongholds to possess?
No longer cast us off, O God,
But give our hosts success.

Give Thou Thy help against the foe,
For help of man is vain;
Through God we shall do valiantly,
The victory He shall gain.

Prayers for 6/26

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Dominic Henares, Eurosia, and William of Vercelli.

For those suffering from the effects of inclement weather...

For the newly-ordained Frs. Joshua Brommer and James Lease, and those of Regensburg, Bavaria...

For Nancy and her family...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fierce Raged the Tempest O'er the Deep

Fierce raged the tempest o’er the deep,
Watch did Thine anxious servants keep
But Thou wast wrapped in guileless sleep,
Calm and still.

“Save, Lord, we perish,” was their cry,
“O save us in our agony!”
Thy word above the storm rose high,
“Peace, be still.”

The wild winds hushed; the angry deep
Sank, like a little child, to sleep;
The sullen billows ceased to leap,
At Thy will.

So, when our life is clouded o’er,
And storm winds drift us from the shore,
Say, lest we sink to rise no more,
“Peace, be still.”

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Prayers for the Birth of St. John the Baptist

Today we ask the intercession of St. John the Baptist. Today we also remember St. Joseph Yuen.

For those about to be baptized...

For those suffering from neurological disorders...

For those affected by inclement weather...

For those traveling on roads and highways...

For those who work in the textile industry...

For the people of Puerto Rico...

For the people of Quebec...

For the repose of the soul of Staff Sgt. Patrick Lybert, and for his family and friends...

For those facing religious persecution...

For Nancy and her family...

For Donna and her family...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Friday, June 23, 2006

Hymn for the Birth of St. John the Baptist

The Great Forerunner of the Morn

The great forerunner of the morn,
The herald of the Word, is born:
And faithful hearts shall never fail
With thanks and praise his light to hail.

With heavenly message Gabriel came,
That John should be that herald’s name,
And with prophetic utterance told
His actions great and manifold.

John, still unborn, yet gave aright
His witness to the coming Light;
And Christ, the Sun of all of all the earth,
Fulfilled that witness at His birth.

Of woman born shall never be
A greater prophet than was he,
Whose mighty deeds exalt his fame
To greater than a prophet’s name.

But why should mortal accents raise
The hymn of John the Baptist’s praise?
Of whom, or e’er his course was run,
Thus spake the Father to the Son?

“Behold, My herald, who shall go
Before Thy face Thy way to show,
And shine, as with the day-star’s gleam,
Before Thine own eternal beam.”

All praise to God the Father be,
All praise, eternal Son, to Thee,
Whom with the Spirit we adore
Forever and forevermore.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Prayers for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart

On this great day, we also ask the intercession of St. Etheldreda and Bls. Pope Innocent V and Basil Hopko.

For the Holy Father, and for his intentions...

For the peoples of Bolivia and Ecuador...

For widows...

For those suffering from throat ailments...

For ENT specialists...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for the Solemnity of the Sared Heart

To Christ, The Prince of Peace

To Christ, the Prince of peace,
And Son of God most high,
The Father of the world to come,
We lift our joyful cry.

Deep in His heart for us
The wound of love He bore,
That love which He enkindles still
In hearts that Him adore.

O Jesu, Victim blest,
What else but love divine
Could Thee constrain to open thus
That sacred heart of Thine?

O wondrous Fount of love,
O Well of waters free,
O heavenly Flame, refining Fire,
O burning Charity!

Hide us in Thy dear heart,
Jesu, our Savior blest,
So shall we find Thy plenteous grace
And Heav’n’s eternal rest.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Prayers for 6/22

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. John Fisher, Joseph Cafasso, Paulinus of Nola, and Thomas More.

For lawyers...

For all who hold public office...

For civil servants...

For adopted children, their natural parents, and the parents who took them as their own...

For families, especially large ones...

For James Baen, and for his family and friends...

For the intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/22

Father of All, to Thee

Father of all, to Thee
With loving hearts we pray,
Through Him, in mercy given,
The Life, the Truth, the Way;
From Heav’n, Thy throne, in mercy shed
Thy blessings on each bended head.

Father of all, to Thee
Our contrite hearts we raise,
Unstrung by sin and pain,
Long voiceless in Thy praise;
Breathe Thou the silent chords along,
Until they tremble into song.

Father of all, to Thee
We breathe unuttered fears,
Deep hidden in our souls,
That have no voice but tears;
Take Thou our hand, and through the wild
Lead gently each trustful child.

Father of all, may we
In praise our tongues employ,
When gladness fills the soul
With deep and hallowed joy;
In storm and calm give us to see
The path of peace which leads to Thee.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Prayers for 6/21

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Alban of Mainz, Aloysius Gonzaga, John Rigby, Raymond of Barbastro, and Terence.

For epileptics...

For hernia sufferers...

For those with renal problems...

For AIDS patients...

For the caregivers for all the illnesses mentioned...

For teenagers...

For the Jesuits, especially those in formation...

In thanksgiving for a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/21

'Mid All the Traffic of the Ways

’Mid all the traffic of the ways,
Turmoils without, within,
Make in my heart a quiet place,
And come and dwell therein.

A little shrine of quietness,
All sacred to Thyself,
Where Thou shalt all my soul possess,
And I may find myself.

A little shelter from life’s stress,
Where I may lay me prone,
And bare my soul in loneliness,
And know as I am known.

A little place of mystic grace,
Of self and sin swept bare,
Where I may look upon Thy face,
And talk with Thee in prayer.

Prayers for 6/20

Today we ask the intercession of several Martyrs of Japan: Sts. Vincent Kaun and Francis Pacheco; and Bls. Balthasar de Torres, John Baptist Zola, John Kinsako, Michael Tozo, Paul Shinsuki, and Peter Rinshei.

We also ask the intercession of St. Adalbert of Magdeburg, along with Bls. John Fenwick & John Gavan.

For Fr. Burns Seeley, SSJC...

For the repose of the souls of Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, and for their family, friends, and fellow soldiers...

For the repose of the soul of Ruben Castillo, and for his family and friends...

For the intentions posted in Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Hymn for 6/20

With Hearts Renewed

With hearts renewed, and cleansed from guilt of sin,
Send we our voices pealing to the skies;
Let a pure conscience echo joy within,
And all our powers in emulation rise:
To Father, Son and Holy Spirit’s praise,
Three Whom One Essence joins, one anthem here we raise.

Maker of all, the Father uncreate,
Of Him from everlasting born, the Son,
And the blest Spirit of co-equal state
From Both proceeding, are of substance One:
So in this Trinity the Persons three
One perfect Being are, one God, one Majesty.

Yet, none the less, each Person of the Trine
God, in His attributes distinct, we own;
Vainly would reason grasp the things divine,
Man can but bend adoring at God’s throne:
O may the Father, Son and Spirit be
Our help in time of need, our joy eternally.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Prayers for 6/19

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Bruno of Quefort, Gervase, Jude Thaddeus (commemoration in the Eastern Church), Julia Falconieri, Odo of Cambrai, Protase, and Romuald; along with Bls. Humphrey Middlemore, Sebastian Newdigate, Thomas Woodhouse, and William Exmew.

For the people of Prussia...

For the Camaldolese Benedictines...

For Servite women religious...

For those who are in desperate situations...

For hospitals...

For Shawn's mother and for her family and friends...

For Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, and for their families and friends...

For the people of Hartford, Wisconsin affected by tornadoes...

For the repose of the soul of Ephraim Williams, and for his family and friends...

For peace throughout the world, especially in North Korea and the Middle East...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/19

Hear My Words, O Gracious Lord

Hear my words, O gracious Lord,
To my thoughts attentive be;
Hear my cry, my King, my God,
I will make my prayer to Thee.

With the morning light, O Lord,
Thou shalt hear my voice arise,
And expectant I will bring
Prayer as morning sacrifice.

Thou art holy, O my God,
Thou delightest not in sin;
Evil shall not dwell with Thee,
Nor the proud Thy favor win.

In the fullness of Thy grace
To Thy house I will repair;
Bowing toward Thy holy place,
Lost in love I worship there.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Prayers for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

On this great day, we ask the intercession of Sts. Calogerus, Marcellian, and Mark; along with Bl. Osanna Andreasi.

Since it is also Fathers' Day in the USA, we ask the intercession of St. Joseph.

For fathers everywhere...

For female students and their teachers...

For Karl and his family...

For those affected by summer heat...

For the repose of the soul of Joshua Schroeder, and for his family and friends...

For those facing religious persecution...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

Zion to Thy Savior Singing

Zion, to Thy Savior singing,
To thy Prince and Shepherd bringing,
Sweetest hymns of love and praise,
Thou wilt never reach the measure
Of His worth, by all the treasure
Of thy most ecstatic lays.

Of all wonders that can thrill thee,
And, with adoration fill thee,
What than this can greater be,
That Himself to thee He giveth?
He that eateth ever liveth,
For the Bread of Life is He.

Fill thy lips to overflowing
With sweet praise, His mercy showing
Who this heav’nly table spread:
On this day so glad and holy,
To each longing spirit lowly
Giveth He the living Bread.

Here the King hath spread His table,
Whereon eyes of faith are able
Christ our Passover to trace:
Shadows of the law are going,
Light and life and truth inflowing,
Night to day is giving place.

O Good Shepherd, Bread life giving,
Us, Thy grace and life receiving,
Feed and shelter evermore;
Thou on earth our weakness guiding,
We in Heav’n with Thee abiding,
With all saints will Thee adore.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Prayers for 6/17

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Albert Chmielowski, Botulph, Emily de Vialar, Gregory Barbarigo, Herve, and Ranieri.

For the Gray Brothers...

For the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition...

For agricultural workers...

For the visually impaired...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Saturday Marian Hymn for 6/17

Sing of Mary

1. SING of Mary, pure and lowly,
Virgin-Mother undefiled.
Sing of God's own Son most holy,
Who became her little child.
Fairest child of fairest Mother,
God the LORD who came to earth,
Word made Flesh, our very Brother,
Takes our nature by his birth.

2. Sing of JESUS, son of Mary,
In the home at Nazareth. Toil and labour cannot weary
Love enduring unto death.
Constant was the love he gave her,
Though it drove him from her side,
Forth to preach, and heal, and suffer,
Till on Calvary he died.

3. Sing of Mary, sing of JESUS,
Holy Mother's holier son.
From his throne in heaven he sees us,
Thither calls us every one,
Where he welcomes home his Mother
To a place at his right hand,
There his faithful servants gather,
There the crowned victors stand.

4. Joyful Mother, full of gladness,
In thine arms thy LORD was borne.
Mournful Mother, full of sadness,
All thy heart with pain was torn.
Glorious Mother, now rewarded
With a crown at JESUS' hand,
Age to age thy name recorded
Shall be blest in every land.

5. Glory be to GOD the FATHER;
Glory be to GOD the SON;
Glory be to GOD the SPIRIT;
Glory to the THREE in ONE.
From the heart of blessed Mary,
From all saints the song ascends,
And the Church the strain re­echoes
Unto earth's remotest ends.

Prayers for 6/16

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Benno, John Regis, Lutgardis, and William Greenwood.

For fishermen...

For embroiderers...

For social workers...

For the visually impaired...

For the disabled...

For mothers about to give birth...

For Colleen Hammond...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hymn for 6/16

Dear Lord and Father of Mankind

Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
Forgive our foolish ways;
Reclothe us in our rightful mind,
In purer lives Thy service find,
In deeper reverence, praise.

In simple trust like theirs who heard,
Beside the Syrian sea,
The gracious calling of the Lord,
Let us, like them, without a word,
Rise up and follow Thee.

O Sabbath rest by Galilee,
O calm of hills above,
Where Jesus knelt to share with Thee
The silence of eternity,
Interpreted by love!

With that deep hush subduing all
Our words and works that drown
The tender whisper of Thy call,
As noiseless let Thy blessing fall
As fell Thy manna down.

Drop Thy still dews of quietness,
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Thy peace.

Breathe through the heats of our desire
Thy coolness and Thy balm;
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;
Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
O still, small voice of calm.

Prayers for 6/15

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Germaine Cousin, Vitus, Crescentia; and Bls. Thomas Green, Thomas Scryven, and Thomas Reding.

For actors and those who work in theatre...

For victims of child abuse...

For David Alexander's parents...

For Karl and his family...

For thanksgiving and the continued recovery of Jeremy Hand, and for his family and friends...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/15

Praise Waits for Thee in Zion

Praise waits for Thee in Zion; all tribes shall worship there
And pay their vows before Thee, O God Who hearest prayer.
Our sins rise up against us, prevailing day by day,
But Thou wilt show us mercy and take their guilt away.

How blest the ones Thou callest and bringest near to Thee,
That in Thy courts forever their dwelling place may be;
They shall within Thy temple be satisfied with grace,
And filled with all the goodness of Thy most holy place.

O God of our salvation, since Thou dost love the right,
Thou wilt an answer send us in wondrous deeds of might.
In all earth’s habitations, on all the boundless sea,
We find no sure reliance, no peace, apart from Thee.

Thy might sets fast the mountains; strength girds Thee evermore
To calm the raging peoples and still the ocean’s roar.
Thy majesty and greatness are through all lands confessed,
And joy on earth Thou sendest afar from east to west.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hymn for 6/14

Lord, Be Thy Word My Rule

Lord, be Thy Word my rule,
In it may I rejoice;
Thy glory be my aim;
Thy holy will my choice.

Thy promises my hope;
Thy providence my guard;
Thine arm my strong support;
Thyself my great Reward.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Prayers for 6/13

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Anthony of Padua, Aquilina, and Augustine of Huy.

For the peoples of Brazil and Portugal...

For Native Americans...

For those who have lost important things...

For travellers...

For all who work in the hospitality business...

For working animals and the humans who use and care for them...

For the poor among us...

For the elderly...

For amputees...

For expectant mothers and their unborn children, especially Laura and Ethan...

For Nancy and her family...

For Dom and Melanie Bettinelli, and the newly-baptized Isabella...

For the repose of the soul of Cristina...

For baby Cristina, her father, and her family...

For the repose of the soul of James Cameron...

For those in the path of Alberto...

For the intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/13

God Make My Life

God make my life a little light
Within the world to glow;
A little flame that burneth bright,
Wherever I may go.

God make my life a little flower
That giveth joy to all,
Content to bloom in native bower,
Although the place be small.

God make my life a little song
That comforteth the sad
That helpeth others to be strong,
And makes the singer glad.

God make my life a little staff
Whereon the weak may rest,
That so what health and strength I have
May serve my neighbors best.

God make my life a little hymn
Of tenderness and praise,
Of faith, that never waxeth dim,
In all His wondrous ways.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Prayers for 6/12

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Gaspar Bertoni, John of Sahagun, and Pope Leo III; along with Bl. Mercedes Maria of Jesus.

For the Holy Father, and for his personal intentions...

For the Stigmatines...

For the Institute of the Sisters of Saint Mary Ann of Jesus...

For the repose of the soul of Richard Dunn McElhinney, and for his family and friends...

For the repose of the soul Deacon John Wargin, and for his family and friends...

For the recovery of Bishop Richard Sklba, and for his family and friends...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/12

Blest Are the Humble Souls that See

Blest are the humble souls that see
Their emptiness and poverty;
Treasures of grace to them are giv’n,
And crowns of joy laid up in Heav’n.

Blest are the men of broken heart,
Who mourn for sin with inward smart;
The blood of Christ divinely flows,
A healing balm for all their woes.

Blest are the meek, who stand afar
From rage and passion, noise and war;
God will secure their happy state,
And plead their cause against the great.

Blest are the souls that thirst for grace
Hunger and long for righteousness;
They shall be well supplied, and fed
With living streams and living bread.

Blest are the men whose hearts do move
And melt with sympathy and love;
From Christ the Lord they shall obtain
Like sympathy and love again.

Blest are the pure, whose hearts are clean
From the defiling powers of sin;
With endless pleasure they shall see
A God of spotless purity.

Blest are the men of peaceful life,
Who quench the coals of growing strife;
They shall be called the heirs of bliss,
The sons of God, the God of peace.

Blest are the suff’rers who partake
Of pain and shame for Jesus’ sake;
Their souls shall triumph in the Lord;
Glory and joy are their reward.

Prayers for Trinity Sunday

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Barnabas and Paula Frasinetti, along with Bl. Ignazio Maloyan.

For the peoples of Cyprus...

For the Sisters of St. Dorothy...

For the repose of the souls of Jenny Riley and Joanne Ripplinger, and for their family and friends...

For peace throughout the world...

For those facing religious persecution...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Holy God, We Praise Thy Name

Holy God, we praise Thy Name;
Lord of all, we bow before Thee!
All on earth Thy scepter claim,
All in Heaven above adore Thee;
Infinite Thy vast domain,
Everlasting is Thy reign.

Hark! the loud celestial hymn
Angel choirs above are raising,
Cherubim and seraphim,
In unceasing chorus praising;
Fill the heavens with sweet accord:
Holy, holy, holy, Lord.

Lo! the apostolic train
Join the sacred Name to hallow;
Prophets swell the loud refrain,
And the white robed martyrs follow;
And from morn to set of sun,
Through the Church the song goes on.

Holy Father, Holy Son,
Holy Spirit, Three we name Thee;
While in essence only One,
Undivided God we claim Thee;
And adoring bend the knee,
While we own the mystery.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Prayers for 6/10

Along with the Blessed Virgin Mary, we ask the intercession of St. Brigid of Ireland and Bl. Edward Poppe.

For the people of Ireland...

For children born to single mothers...

For iron and steel workers...

For dairy farmers...

For poultry farmers..

For sailors, merchant marines, and all who work on the water...

For those who work in mass media...

For travellers...

For the repose of the souls of those killed in an accident in Moscow, TN, for the recovery of the person injured, and for their friends and families...

For peace throughout the world...

For personal intentions...

For the intentions on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Saturday Marian Hymn for 6/10

All creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace,
all the choirs of angels and the whole human race.
For you are the holy temple of the Lord;
you are the mystic paradise and the glory of virgins.
Through you the Son of God become man,
though He was God from all eternity.
He made your womb His throne,
greater far than the heavens themselves,
All creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace!
Glory to you!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Prayers for 6/9

Today we ask the intercession of Mary, Virgin Mother of Grace; along with Sts. Baithen of Iona, Columba, and Ephrem of Syria; and also Bls. Anne Marie Taigi and Joseph Anchieta.

For the people of Scotland...

For poets...

For those living in flood zones...

For those who work in binderies...

For spiritual directors...

For married couples...

For personal intentions...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/9

This hymn was composed by St. Ephraim of Syria, whose feast we celebrate today.

Receive, O Lord, in Heaven Above

Receive, O Lord, in Heaven above
Our prayers and supplications pure;
Give us a heart all full of love
And steady courage to endure.

Thy holy Name our mouths confess,
Our tongues are harps to praise Thy grace;
Forgive our sins and wickedness,
Who in this vigil seek Thy face.

Let not our song become a sigh,
A wail of anguish and despair;
In lovingkindness, Lord most high,
Receive tonight our evening prayer.

O raise us in that day, that we
May sing, where all Thy saints adore,
Praise to Thy Father, and to Thee,
And to Thy Spirit, evermore.

Prayers for 6/8

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Medard and William of York.

For good weather, and for those affected by difficult summer weather...

For prisoners...

For couples struggling with fertility issues...

For the mentally ill and their caregivers...

For those who work in breweries...

For those who work in vineyards...

For those suffering with toothaches...

For Nancy and her family...

For personal intentions...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/8

O Thou God of My Salvation

O Thou God of my salvation, my Redeemer from all sin;
Moved by Thy divine compassion, Who hast died my heart to win;
I will praise Thee, I will praise Thee, where shall I Thy praise begin?
I will praise Thee, I will praise Thee, where shall I Thy praise begin?

Though unseen, I love the Savior, He hath brought salvation near;
Manifests His pardoning favor, and when Jesus doth appear,
Soul and body, soul and body, shall His glorious image bear;
Soul and body, soul and body, shall His glorious image bear.

While the angel choirs are crying, “Glory to the great I Am,”
I with them will still be vying—glory, glory, to the Lamb!
Oh, how precious, oh, how precious is the sound of Jesus’ Name!
Oh, how precious, oh, how precious is the sound of Jesus’ Name!

Angels now are hovering round us, unperceived among the throng;
Wondering at the love that crowned us, glad to sing the holy song;
Hallelujah, hallelujah, love and praise to Christ belong!
Hallelujah, hallelujah, love and praise to Christ belong!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Prayers for 6/7

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Anthony Mary Gianelli, Colman of Dromore, Deochar, Gotteschalk, and Robert of Newminster; as well as Bl. Anne of Saint Bartholomew.

For the Sisters of Our Lady of the Garden...

For the visually impaired...

For linguists and translators...

For those who have lost their way in discerning their calling...

For Karl and his family...

For Nancy, her husband, and her children...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/7

O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart's Desire

O Christ, our Hope, our heart’s Desire,
Redemption’s only Spring!
Creator of the world art Thou,
Its Savior and its King.

How vast the mercy and the love
Which laid our sins on Thee,
And led Thee to a cruel death,
To set Thy people free.

But now the bands of death are burst,
The ransom has been paid,
And Thou art on Thy Father’s throne,
In glorious robes arrayed.

O may Thy mighty love prevail
Our sinful souls to spare;
O may we come before Thy throne,
And find acceptance there!

O Christ, be Thou our lasting Joy,
Our ever great Reward!
Our only glory may be it be
To glory in the Lord.

All praise to Thee, ascended Lord;
All glory ever be
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Through all eternity.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Prayers for 6/6

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Jarlath, Marcelino Champagnat, Norbert, and Philip the Deacon; along with Bls. Gerard Tintorio, John Davy, Maria Karlowska, Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan, and Robert Salt.

For the people of Bohemia...

For the Marist Brothers...

For the Norbertines...

For the Good Shepherd Sisters...

For the Congregation of the Holy Family...

In thanksgiving for the safe return of Priscilla Nicole Maldonado...

For Liu Junjie, and for his family...

For the repose of the souls of William Koser and Elizabeth Koser, and for their family and friends...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/6

O God, Our Help in Ages Past

Our God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home.

Under the shadow of Thy throne
Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
And our defense is sure.

Before the hills in order stood,
Or earth received her frame,
From everlasting Thou art God,
To endless years the same.

Thy Word commands our flesh to dust,
“Return, ye sons of men:”
All nations rose from earth at first,
And turn to earth again.

A thousand ages in Thy sight
Are like an evening gone;
Short as the watch that ends the night
Before the rising sun.

The busy tribes of flesh and blood,
With all their lives and cares,
Are carried downwards by the flood,
And lost in following years.

Time, like an ever rolling stream,
Bears all its sons away;
They fly, forgotten, as a dream
Dies at the opening day.

Like flowery fields the nations stand
Pleased with the morning light;
The flowers beneath the mower’s hand
Lie withering ere ‘tis night.

Our God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Be Thou our guard while troubles last,
And our eternal home.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Prayers for 6/5

Today we ask the intercession of St. Boniface and Bl. Ferdinand.

For the people of Germany...

For Nancy and her family...

For the safe return of Priscilla Nicole Maldonado, and for her family...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/5

Father of Jesus Christ, My Lord

Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord,
My Savior and my Head;
I trust in Thee, Whose powerful Word
Hath raised Him from the dead.

In hope, against all human hope,
Self desperate, I believe;
Thy quickening Word shall raise me up,
Thou shalt Thy Spirit give.

Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees,
And looks to that alone;
Laughs at impossibilities,
And cries, “It shall be done!”

To Thee the glory of Thy power
And faithfulness I give;
I shall in Christ, at that glad hour,
And Christ in me shall live.

Obedient faith that waits on Thee,
Thou never wilt reprove;
But Thou wilt form Thy Son in me,
And perfect me in love.

Prayers for Pentecost Sunday

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Francis Caracciolo, Optatus of Milevis, Petroc, and Quirinus; as well as Bl. Mary Elizabeth Hesselblad.

For an outpouring of the Holy Spirit's Gifts upon the Church...

For the people of Cornwall...

For the deliverance of those who are involved in the occult...

For the Brigittine Sisters...

For the people of East Timor...

For all intentions on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Hymn for the Solemnity of Pentecost

Come, Holy Ghost

Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,
and in our hearts take up Thy rest;
come with Thy grace and heav'nly aid,
To fill the hearts which Thou hast made.

O Comforter, to Thee we cry,
Thou heav'nly gift of God most high,
Thou Fount of life, and Fire of love,
and sweet anointing from above.

O Finger of the hand divine,
the sevenfold gifts of grace are thine;
true promise of the Father thou,
who dost the tongue with power endow.

Thy light to every sense impart,
and shed thy love in every heart;
thine own unfailing might supply
to strengthen our infirmity.

Drive far away our ghostly foe,
and thine abiding peace bestow;
if thou be our preventing Guide,
no evil can our steps betide.

Praise we the Father and the Son
and Holy Spirit with them One;
and may the Son on us bestow
the gifts that from the Spirit flow.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Prayers for 6/3

Today we ask the intercession of the Martyrs of Uganda.

We also ask the intercession of Sts. Clotilde, John Grande, Kevin and Morand; along with Bl. Diego Oddi.

For the peoples of Ireland and Uganda...

For persecuted Christians everywhere...

For parents, especially those with large families...

For adopted children...

For vintners and wine makers...

For Jenny Riley, and for her family and friends...

For all intentions on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/3

In God Will I Trust

In God will I trust, though my counselors say,
O flee as a bird to your mountain away;
The wicked are strong and the righteous are weak,
Foundations are shaken, yet God will I seek.

The Lord in His temple shall ever abide,
His throne is eternal, whatever betide;
The children of men He beholds from on high,
The wicked to punish, the righteous to try.

The Lord is most righteous, the Lord loves the right,
The evil He hates and will surely requite;
The wicked His anger will drive from their place,
The upright in rapture shall gaze on His face.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Prayers for 6/2

Today we ask the intercession of Sts. Pope Eugene I, Alexander, Blandina, Erasmus, Marcellinus, and Peter; as well as Bl. Guy of Acqui.

For the Holy Father, and for his personal intentions...

For those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders...

For gastroenterologists...

For those stricken with appendicitis...

For babies suffering from colic, and for their parents...

For sailors, other mariners, and all who work and travel on the waters...

For mothers about to give birth...

For those who work with explosives and other volatile substances...

For Sandra and John Miesel, and for their family and friends...

For Nancy and her family...

For a personal intention...

For all intentions posted on Catholic Fire...

For all intentions previously posted on this site...

Hymn for 6/2

Forsaken Once, and Thrice Denied

Forsaken once, and thrice denied,
The risen Lord gave pardon free,
Stood once again at Peter’s side,
And asked him, “Lov’st thou Me?”

How many times with faithless word
Have we denied His holy Name,
How oft forsaken our dear Lord,
And shrunk when trial came?

Saint Peter, when the cock crew clear,
Went out, and wept his broken faith;
Strong as a rock through strife and fear,
He served his Lord till death.

How oft his cowardice of heart
We have without his love sincere,
The sin without the sorrow’s smart,
The shame without the tear!

O oft forsaken, oft denied,
Forgive our shame, wash out our sin;
Look on us from Thy Father’s side
And let that sweet look win.

Hear when we call Thee from the deep,
Still walk beside us on the shore,
Give hands to work, and eyes to weep,
And hearts to love Thee more.