For president-elect Barack Obama, may he be moved to enshrine a culture of life, defend the freedom and dignity of peoples everywhere, and remain safe from terrorism and harm...
For the people of Mumbai, and the victims of terrorism, may they know peace in death, may the survivors be comforted, and may the perpetrators of evil be brought to justice...
For our economy, may we learn the true value of money, spend wisely, and share our resources willingly with others out of love for Christ...
For the unemployed, may they find gainful, meaningful work...
For the emotionally and psychologically depressed and distressed, may they know the peace of Christ in their hearts and minds and find solace in communities of faith...
For persecuted Christians throughout the world, may God give them strength and fortitude to remain faithful in times of hardship and be glorified in heaven...
For religious freedom, may governments throughout the world respect the inherent rights of peoples to express their religious beliefs in public, and especially in political involvement, and protect religious persons from persecution, harassment, and unjust laws...
For an immediate end to abortion and a flourishing of the culture of life, may people everywhere respect their bodies and fertility, embrace life from conception to natural death, and may the rights of the unborn and women be protected with dignity, love, and assistance in times of crisis pregnancy...
For the disabled, the elderly, the infirm, the depressed, and all suffering with chronic or terminal illness, may they find dignity in their suffering, and a closer connection to Christ, and may our culture treat these people with respect, preserving and protecting their lives until natural death...
For persons dealing with addiction, may Christ strengthen them to defeat their addictions and may people of faith assist them in finding support and assistance to defeat addiction...
For missionaries both at home and abroad, may they be faithful witnesses to Christ, unafraid to speak the Truth of God's word and the works of Christ, and the teachings of the Christian faith...
For the victims of the priest sexual abuse scandal, may they find healing...
For the priests and bishops involved in the sexual abuse scandal, may they be brought to justice and repent of their sins...
For the Milwaukee Archdiocese and the Faith in Our Future campaign, may everyone involved prayerfully consider their contributions as they put forth time, talent, and treasure to ensure the continuation of the Catholic faith for generations to come...
For the protection of traditional marriage, may those caught in all sexual sin learn fully the beauty and dignity of God's design for our sexuality and live out that powerful, life-giving love in sacramental marriage...
For persons of other faith who face persecution for holding to traditional values and morality, may they find allies in Catholicism and Christianity who are willing to set aside theological differences for the sake of preserving religious freedom and morality...
For women persecuted and oppressed by terrorism and radical Islam, may they find freedom and peace in the protection of Christians...
For the repose of the soul of Leo Kitzke, Dorothy Leona Koretzky Martin, and for all the faithful departed, may they find peace and solace in spending eternity with Christ...
For the family and friends of the faithful departed, may they find comfort and healing in faith...
For the intentions of all in the blogosphere, may God hear the prayers they hold in the silence of their hearts...
For personal intentions...