Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hymn for the Feast of Sts. Phillip & James

The Winter's Sleep Was Long and Deep

(altered slightly to fit the current calendar)

The winter’s sleep was long and deep,
But earth is awakened and gay;
For the life ne’er dies that from God doth rise,
And the green comes after the grey.

So God doth bring the world to spring;
And on this holy day
Doth the Church proclaim her Apostles’ fame,
To welcome the third of May.

Two saints of God went by the road
That leadeth on to light;
And they gave up all at their Master’s call,
To work in their Master’s sight.

Would Philip’s mind the Father find?
Lo, he hath found the Way;
For to know the Son is to know the One
Whom the earth and the heavens obey.

And James, ’twas thine by grace divine
To preach the Christian life,
Where our faith is shown by our works alone,
And love overcometh strife.

Lord, grant that we may brethren be—
As Christians live in deed;
For it is but so we can learn to know
The truth that to Thee doth lead.

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